About Me:

I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and now live in Chicago. I strive to bring children joy through teaching, writing, and philanthropy. I am a bookstagrammer (@storytime_mama), early childhood educator, and the best job of all: mom (one human, one canine). I received my bachelor's degree in early childhood education at Indiana University and my master's degree in child development at the Erikson Institute. I participate in Highlights Foundation courses, Julie Hedlund's 12x12 Picture Book Challenge, Renee LaTulippe's Lyrical Language Lab, and I am an SCBWI member. 

Fun Facts & Favorites:

-I student taught in Auckland, New Zealand

-I teach adults American Mahjongg (@mahjongg_mama)

-I love all things 80's! (My Little Pony, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Full House, Hall and Oates to name a few)

-I am a PTA, Room Mom, and Girl Scout Volunteer

-I chair the Community Council for Share Our Spare, a non-profit providing children and families in Chicagoland with the necessities to thrive. 

-I have no dance background, but take Tap classes

-My public library has a drive thru and it is amazing!

-I don't drink coffee, but I love tea.

-I must snuggle and smoosh every puppy face I see!!